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Maine SBDC

Business Address:
55 Exeter Street
Portland, ME 20778
Cumberland County
Business Contact:
Mr. Scott Robinett
MIS/IT Manager
Contact Maine SBDC

Non-Profit Organization | Member since December 15th, 2011

Maine Small Business Development Centers (Maine SBDC) provide comprehensive business management assistance, training and information to the small business community through a statewide network of professional, certified business counselors.

- Small business owners meet with counselors to address their concerns - from starting, managing and diversifying, to marketing, growing and financing a business.

- Workshops and seminars expand small business know-how and practical applications.

- No-cost, confidential, quality services - over 90% of clients would recommend the Maine SBDC to other businesses.

Please mention you proudly found Maine SBDC on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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