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Office Automation Systems, Ltd. (DBA CIAN, Inc)

Business Address:
1803 W. Detweiller Dr.
Peoria, IL 61614
Peoria County
Business Contact:
Ms. Christine Bare
Business Development Coordinator
Contact Office Automation Systems, Ltd. (DBA CIAN, Inc)

Service Disabled Veteran Owned | Navy, Retired | Member since March 15th, 2010

Office Automation Systems, Ltd. (DBA CIAN, Inc), founded in 1990, was originally formed to install and maintain computer networks. We quickly progressed to become a recognized leader in migrating important information from legacy software and equipment onto state-of-the-art high technology.

Please mention you proudly found Office Automation Systems, Ltd. (DBA CIAN, Inc) on Veteran Owned Business (VOB)!

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